Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Shark Biologist

Believe it or not, growing up as a kid, you wanted to be different things in your life. A police officer or a fireman but it not until the sixth grade, I discover my love for sharks. Yes, sharks! I remember stating back to seeing Jaws and being scared of the ocean but something inside me changed. I was no longer scared and I was determined to become a shark expert.
I went to the library and checked out countless books and I even ordered every book from the main library over in Orlando. I was now heavily into reading and writing down stuff about them to even drawing them. I would even reread books that I already read. I was on top of my shark knowledge but along the way, my parents divorce started affecting me and there was a decline in me wanting to learn and pretty soon, I found myself not caring about anything any more.
I remember how excited I was to learn every thing about sharks and or related to sharks.  But by the time the divorce was final and we had move to Orlando, I was not the same kid with the same ambitions. I was a bit of a mess for the first year after the divorce. I wish I would have got that clarity back along the way in my journey through life.  So my advice to you, stick with your goals and dreams, no matter what!

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